Ongoing Disclosure

PDS & Other Disclosures

MSI Funds Management Limited (ACN 614 077 995, AFSL 491268) (“MSIFL”) is the responsible entity of the MoneySpot Investments Fund (ARSN 616 929 849) (Fund). The most current product disclosure statement for the Fund contains important information concerning the Fund. You should consider the information contained in the PDS before making any decision about the Fund and obtain financial advice tailored to your personal circumstances.

This information is Updated Information for the purpose of section I.10 of the PDS. MSIFL does not consider the information to be materially adverse to investors, but the information should be taken into account when making any investment decision under the PDS.

Date Description of change
10 July 2024 On 9 July, 2024 MSI Funds Management (the Responsible Entity) received notice from ASIC of their conditional consent to the resignation of Forvis Mazars Assurance Pty Ltd (#338599) as auditor of the MoneySpot Investment Fund Compliance Plan.

Members of the Fund are advised that there are no matters of disagreement between Forvis Mazars Assurance Pty Ltd and the Responsible Entity and there are no circumstances or matters connected with the auditor ceasing to hold office which should be brought to ASIC’s attention.

MSI Funds Management is a member of the MoneySpot Finance Pty Ltd group and LNP Audit and Assurance is the auditor of the group. Forvis Mazars Assurance Pty Ltd has acted as Auditor of the Fund, the Fund's Compliance Plan and the Responsible Entity since 2018. Having regard to these factors the Directors believe a rotation of Auditor to be appropriate.

Having received the consent to act as the new Compliance Plan Auditor of the Fund, the Responsible Entity intends to appoint LNP Audit and Assurance Pty Ltd (#420246).

The first engagement of LNP Audit and Assurance Pty Ltd under this appointment will be for the audit of the Fund's Compliance Plan for the period ending 30 June 2024.

28 June 2024 Class C Annual Targeted Rate of Return

Subscriptions for Class C units received after close of business on 28 June 2024 will be entitled to receive the revised Annual Targeted Return of 17.8%.

A Revised Information Memorandum will be issued in due course.

2 April 2024 Change of Fund Auditor

On 2 April, 2024 MSI Funds Management (the Responsible Entity) received notice from ASIC of their conditional consent to the resignation of Mazars Assurance Pty Ltd (#338599) as auditor of the MoneySpot Investment Fund.Members of the Fund are advised that there are no matters of disagreement between Mazars Assurance Pty Ltd and the Responsible Entity and there are no circumstances or matters connected with the auditor ceasing to hold office which should be brought to ASIC’s attention.Having received their consent to act as the new Auditor of the Fund, the Responsible Entity intends to appoint LNP Audit and Assurance Pty Ltd (#420246).MSI Funds Management is a member of the MoneySpot Finance Pty Ltd group and LNP Audit and Assurance is the auditor of the group.Mazars Assurance Pty Ltd has acted as Auditor of the Fund and the Responsible Entity since 2018.Having regard to these factors the Directors believe a rotation of Auditor to be appropriate.

The first engagement of LNP Audit and Assurance Pty Ltd will be the financial report of the Fund for the period to 31 December 2023.

29 Sept 2022 Updated and Revised Product Disclosure v4

This PDS has been updated to reflect the following:

  • Replacing Supplementary PDS for Class B
  • Incorporating information relating to Class C
  • Updating all disclosures regarding investment activities of the Fund
  • Reflecting recent changes to ASIC guidelines.
31 May 2021 Product Disclosure v3 issued

Revisions to the Product Disclosure Statement to update Management Fee to be charged by the Responsible Entity and the estimated Expenses of the Fund.

The Management Fee is to be increased from the current 1.075% of Funds under Management (GST inclusive) to 1.4% of Funds under Management.

The estimate of Administration costs are to remain at 0.8% p.a and the Costs & Fees section has been updated to aid disclosure on the classification of fees.

Members have been advised of the change in Management Fees with 30 days’ notice.

27 April 2021 Class B Supplemental PDS Issued.

The objective of B Class Units is to provide regular distributions to Investors at a target net return rate of 14.8% per annum (pre-tax, net of fund management fees and ordinary expenses).

The Minimum Investment for B Class Units is $250,000 and the Minimum Investment Term is 12 months.

27 February 2020 Updated PDS issued 27th February 2020

A review of the PDS was undertaken to ensure:

(a) The PDS was in compliance with the relevant disclosure provisions and regulations of the Corporations Act;

(b) The PDS was in compliance with the relevant regulatory guides, class orders, legislative instruments and reports issued by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC); and

(c) The PDS was consistent with the Constitution.

Additionally, MoneySpot Finance Pty Ltd, a related entity of the RE, has decided to expand its operations to the US, UK and New Zealand. This PDS now contains information about the strategy of MoneySpot Finance, its products, and the inherent risks and benefits of its strategy.

The Fund may also now choose to invest in other Credit Providers, providing those credit providers can achieve the appropriate risk and return profile.

MoneySpot Finance secured debt amount update to $1,000,000.

The RE has changed its name from MoneySpot Investments Limited to MSI Funds Management Limited.

14 June 2018 Update to reflect the change of company name from SpeedyMoney Pty Ltd to MoneySpot Finance Pty Ltd

MoneySpot Finance secured debt amount updated

Target Return rate updated from 10% p.a. to 12.8% p.a. (pre-tax, post fees)

Financial Statements